There are quite a few different sources of magnesium supplements on the market today. From the different types of magnesium to the varying modes of delivery, the choices are prolific to say the least.
Check out some of the following articles which aim to breakdown the myriad of options into the very best choices for you.
There are also many supplements out there that combine a variety of vitamins and minerals that work together with the magic of magnesium to gain even further benefit to your health. One of these such products is ZMA.
Have you ever heard of ZMA or have you wondered just what is ZMA for? Continue reading to find out all the answers including what the most popular ZMA supplement is on the market.
What is ZMA?
ZMA stands for Zinc Magnesium Aspartate and is a potent combination of Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate (30mg), Magnesium Aspartate (450mg) and Vitamin B6 (10.5mg). It is most often used as a muscle recovery aid and studies show that ZMA helps the body achieve deeper levels of REM sleep. (source Wikipedia)
ZMA Supplements
have gained a lot of popularity in recent years as a natural way to boost natural testosterone levels and increase muscle strength.
It also will provide you with an ultimate level of magnesium which has so many benefits listed here.
Zinc, similar to magnesium is an essential trace element that is required for many bodily processes.
It is involved in the activity of more than 300 enzymes which are responsible for the metabolisation of macronutrients and also the replication of cells in particular. Zinc’s functions effect exercise metabolism and levels are often found to be deficient in those who regularly train or exercise.
Low levels of zinc will lead to decreased performance. (source BioMed Central)
The effect of magnesium on muscles has been well documented.
Magnesium is responsible for the smooth muscle and nerve function. It is deeply involved in the functions of the body especially in its metabolic processes. It is high functioning in the production of energy and is also able to facilitate decreasing levels of cortisol which is reported to be detrimental to muscle and strength gains.
Increased sweating and insufficient replacement of electrolytes lead to depletion of the body’s magnesium and zinc.
People who exercise regularly are often deficient in these minerals without even knowing it, which then will have a detrimental effect on their training.
What is ZMA for?
The results seen with ZMA are remarkable in people who are using it as a way to increase muscle mass. One of the awesome benefits is the way it helps you sleep which gives you more energy during the daytime, as well as better opportunity for muscle repair.
When asking what is ZMA for, the answer can be found in the many positive effects it has.
The benefits are far and wide and may include:
- Increase in muscle strength
- Increased anabolic hormone levels (testosterone and IGF1)
- Increased endurance
- Improved muscle repair and growth
- Restful sleep
- Increased immune response
- Better cognitive function
Who is ZMA For?
ZMA can be used by anyone who wants to think better, feel better, exercise better, sleep better and increase immunity.
ZMA has most often been used by gymnasts, athletes, bodybuilders or sportspeople but its scope is beginning to expand to a bigger range of people who have symptoms of magnesium deficiency such as sleep disturbance.
Which Brand Should I Buy?
Optimum Nutrition ZMA is the top selling ZMA supplement on Amazon. This would be a great additive to any health and fitness regime along with regular exercise and a balanced nutritious diet. Check out the amazing reviews below:
Click here to see more reviews from satisfied consumers.
Check out what The Supplement Professor has to say about ZMA:
The negative reviews are few and far between. But they are mostly along the lines of having crazy dreams or some users claim not to notice any effect at all.
Click on the picture below to be taken directly to the information page on Amazon.
The dose for this is 3 Optimum Nutrition ZMA Capsules before bed for men, or 2 capsules for women. ZMA should be taken about an hour before bed on an empty stomach to help synchronise absorption with your sleep. ZMA must not be taken concurrently with any supplements containing calcium as this will block the absorption of zinc (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)
The combined effects of the zinc and magnesium induces a deeper REM sleep cycle which is why you would take it at night before bed for the best results. The B6 dose encourages and facilitates the mineral uptake.
As with any nutritional supplement, please consult your doctor if your are under 18, pregnant or breastfeeding, are on medication, or have chronic disease prior to starting.
Amazon sells Optimum Nutrition ZMA, 180 Capsules for $20.18
Any Negatives?
Many customers report lucid dreams and this is due to the deep level of sleep. Also some men report waking up with an erection which may or may not be considered a negative effect.
Amazon will only ship this product within the US.
Further Reading
Have a look below for further information on some of the other commonly available forms of magnesium:
Comment Below
Now that you know exactly what is ZMA for, it’s time for some feedback.
Have you ever tried ZMA? What did it do for you? Please leave a comment below.
DISCLAIMER The author of this article is not a doctor and the medical/dietary advice that is provided herein is not to replace users of the sites current medical situation or advice that may have been given by their GP or legal consultant. is here solely for support as an optional alternative. In no way does the information contained within advise anyone to use this knowledge as a replacement for any medical condition.
Click here for more details on our disclaimer policy.
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Do you ever get the feeling that sometimes information is put in front of you for a reason?
I’ve had the flu for nearly 4 months (winter in Australia) and have never suffered like this before…and now I learn about Zinc, Magnesium and B6! Who knew?
I will be having a chat with my GP about this product very soon! You have obviously done your homework, I love the way you have presented everything…especially the video…well done & thanks for the information…
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Hi Steve I am so glad I could be of assistance to you! With the recommended dosage on the bottle you are actually getting 200% of your required daily intake of zinc. This would be such a great boost to your immune system, I can’t recommend it enough.
I hope you feel better soon!
Kristine G
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Hey there, i could sense that ZMA is a very good supplement and with the definition of zinc and other mixture of nutrients, i am sure that it can help my body to achieve a higher state. plus it is suitable for someone who want to build a bigger muscle mass and get a deeper and better sleep.
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That’s right! ZMA is for anyone who wants better sleep, greater muscle mass, or who is just after an improvement on their all over health and wellbeing.
Regards, Kristine G
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Well written article on ZMA, which by the way I never heard of before. It sounds pretty amazing, from the lucid dreams to better sleep to improved muscle repair. All the benefits are extremely appealing to me with little to no side effects. Do you know how long this product has been on the market for?
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Hi Dan, great question!
The most well-known study on ZMA using a group of college athletes who took ZMA vs a placebo and which demonstrated ZMA’s effectiveness on increasing muscle mass was done way back in 2000 so I believe it became commercially available around this time.
I have only found out about it very recently, however if you are in the bodybuilding clique, you may have discovered it sooner! As ZMA is only gaining in popularity as a great supplement, you will be hearing much more about it.
Thanks, Kristine
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Really pleased I found this, because this does sound interesting. I’ve suspected that I could potentially be deficient in magnesium. I started taking these tablets but they’re huge chalky white things and I’m meant to take about four a day!?! The fact you say they’re capsules, I imagine they’re easier to swallow. I’m a runner, actually I’m training for a marathon at the moment – do you think these would help me? As for deep REM sleep, that’s exactly what I need, as I’ve had some sleeping issues off and on. Thanks.
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ZMA sounds perfect for you! Give it a try and let me know if it helps!
Best of health to you,
Kristine G
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I have used ZMA in the past but I’m not sure whether it had any greater or lesser effect than the other magnesium I have taken. I took it to try to boost my testosterone, but I don’t think it particularly did that. I’m currently taking a completely different supplement which seems to do that better, but I won’t bother going into that now.
But is ZMA better than other forms of magnesium?
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Hi Marcus,
ZMA is not necessarily a better supplement than just plain old magnesium.
It has the added benefit of zinc which is another mineral that many are lacking.
Anyone who exercises is likely to be deficient in both magnesium and zinc so ZMA is perfectly targeted at these types of people.
Thanks for commenting.
Kristing G
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This was a very good read! Easy to understand, easy to follow links to view content in more detail. I really like the time and effort that you put in to make this site so easy to navigate. I did not realize how important magnesium was for a healthy diet. I’ve had problems sleeping here lately. I definitely favorited this website for later use. Thank you for your amazing effort!!
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Hi Frank, and thank you for your comments here today.
I hope I have enabled you to take a closer look at your magnesium intake and risk factors to see how much you might be getting. Have a read of this magnesium rich foods chart and have a go at calculating the amount of magnesium you are getting from your diet each day.
Any questions, email me at
Regards, Kristine G
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Zinc Magnesium Aspartate sounds pretty good for body builders and regular people who train in the gym. The most important part is that it sounds very natural, because it has two trace metals that our body normally has along with one amino acid.
I think the best part is that it helps with sleeping. Generally people who workout a lot will either have trouble sleeping or have unsatisfied sleep. When we can be put into REM state, then we know we got the highest quality sleep with the best recovery chances.
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Exactly right Blame.
Thanks for your comments!
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Hi there, thanks for the review on ZMA which I was unaware till date. I think, it is the great time to come across such a site with great information.
I definitely need this to boost my immune system but as you mentioned, it is only shipped in US. So, can you help me to out in how to get the product in South East Asia.
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Hi Sangeeta,
Unfortunately, most dietary supplements available on are only allowed to be shipped within their country of origin due to export laws. You would need to either find ZMA locally or ask at your local pharmacy.
I am yet to find an international site that permits international shipping of supplements. Sorry!
I will keep looking though and let you know if I do!
Thanks and kind regards, Kristine.
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I have taken zinc for a long time after my naturopath suggested it was essential for a man my age, but I have never considered magnesium. As I am getting older production of testosterone is a concern and I am reluctant to take supplements.
Your product review has shown me an option to add testosterone to my diet, as I am already taking zinc it will be easy to move to both zinc and magnesium together.
Thanks for your post, it is very informative. Cheers Kev
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HI Kev and thanks for your comments.
Give the ZMA a go, my husband is nearly 40 and it has really boosted his overall health since he started taking it a month ago. He exercises a lot so was likely to be zinc and magnesium deficient. He has more energy and never gets sick. And he reports his sleep feels like it is much deeper and more beneficial than ever before.
Let me know how you go!
Regards, Kristine G
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I’m glad I stumbled across this post. All my life I have struggled with putting on muscle mass. I have always been very skinny, and despite how much I try to eat, and how much I try to work out, it just doesn’t seem to work for me. I have not tried taking and types of supplements yet, but perhaps ZMA would be helpful for me. What do you think?
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Hi jason,
As a starting point, ZMA is great for boosting your natural levels of testosterone and encouraging better muscle repair while helping you achieve deeper and more beneficial sleep.
When combined with a high intensity training regime, and a nutritious diet as well, ZMA is very helpful for increasing muscle mass.
Please email me on if I can be of further help.
Best wishes, Kristine G
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Great article about ZMA. Thanks. I have never heard about ZMA, but I have already learned about the benefits and importance of magnesium supplement from your website. I have known that zinc is very important when it can stop and prevent the hair loss. But I have never known that zinc and magnesium plus vitamin B6 taken together can increase the muscle mass.
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Hi Sandy,
The unique combination of high dose magnesium and zinc for great muscle repair combined with the B6 for better uptake when combined with an intense exercise regime can really assist you gain muscle mass.
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Hi KGads,
Very eye catching Logo/Question/Heading that first appear to me. It make me wonder what is Magnesium Deficiency too and raise my curiosity to find out what it that by keep scrolling down my mouse.
Clear cut pages especially with the add of video. Good site and keep it up 🙂
YC Yang
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Hi there, I hope I was able to answer your question of what is magnesium deficiency here today.
Thanks so much for your comments!
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Well I have never heard about ZMA. When I started reading your article I thought it was only for males.
From time to time, I wake up in the middle of the night and have a hard time getting back to sleep. Its a sad thing that Amazon only ships this product within the US. Are there any other ways to get ZMA?
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Where are you located Sheree and I will find out for you!