magnesium deficiency

how to get a better sleep with

You are here because you are not sleeping well.  And this is bound to be having an effect on your energy levels during the day.  Continue reading to find out how to get a better sleep with magnesium. Magnesium Deficiency Causes Lack of Sleep Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Do you wake
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magnesium and migraines

If you have found this page then you are among the millions of people who suffer migraine headaches and you are fed up with them.   You have come to the right place.  There is a link between magnesium and migraines and as people are gradually learning about the many benefits of magnesium, it appears that
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Side Effects of Too Much Calcium

STOP RIGHT THERE!  Let’s find out if you are suffering from the side effects of too much calcium.  Just answer the following questions: Have you reached a certain age and began to worry more about your health and getting enough of the vitamins and minerals you need? Have you been feeling increasingly tired with aching
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magnesium and energy

Magnesium is responsible for giving you energy. In short, when you have low magnesium, you have lower levels of energy.  When your magnesium intake is sufficient however, you have optimum energy levels. Read on to discover more about the relationship between magnesium and energy, how to identify a magnesium deficiency, as well as some well
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