Magnesium Uses

how to get a better sleep with

You are here because you are not sleeping well.  And this is bound to be having an effect on your energy levels during the day.  Continue reading to find out how to get a better sleep with magnesium. Magnesium Deficiency Causes Lack of Sleep Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Do you wake
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what is epsom salts

Epsom Salts are such wonderful way to increase your magnesium intake and they are used mainly to relax tired muscles and treat sports injuries all while they have the added benefit of being a great detox agent for your cells.  Read on to find out more on just exactly what is Epsom Salts, and the many uses and
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magnesium and migraines

If you have found this page then you are among the millions of people who suffer migraine headaches and you are fed up with them.   You have come to the right place.  There is a link between magnesium and migraines and as people are gradually learning about the many benefits of magnesium, it appears that
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The natural remedies for high blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension as it is commonly known is a condition defined by the measurement of blood pressure consistently exceeding 140/90mmHg.  In this article we aim to address some of the natural remedies for high blood pressure. The causes of primary hypertension is varied and is often unknown.  The risk is increased by factors such
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magnesium and energy

Magnesium is responsible for giving you energy. In short, when you have low magnesium, you have lower levels of energy.  When your magnesium intake is sufficient however, you have optimum energy levels. Read on to discover more about the relationship between magnesium and energy, how to identify a magnesium deficiency, as well as some well
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what is ZMA for

There are quite a few different sources of magnesium supplements on the market today.  From the different types of magnesium to the varying modes of delivery, the choices are prolific to say the least. Check out some of the following articles which aim to breakdown the myriad of options into the very best choices for
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What is magnesium for

Maybe you have been hearing a lot about magnesium lately and been asking yourself just what is magnesium for? Many people in the community have never even heard of magnesium before they are told they are deficient in it and need to supplement their intake.  Magnesium is not just a mineral that exists in mineral
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side effects of magnesium supplements

Magnesium supplementation on top of a balanced healthy diet is common these days as magnesium deficiency becomes more widespread throughout the community.  We are usually unable to gain the required daily amount of magnesium through diet alone so supplements are often recommended. The advised levels for magnesium intake are 320mg for women and 420mg for
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